A valentine's gift for you.
Saw those VHP activists burning vday cards in Bhopal...that's how it struck me that its Valentines tomorrow. And Papun wanted to know where Raj was taking me out tomorrow. I found it funny.
Somehow after three years of marriage a day like valentines sounds funny. Nevertheless, I want to make it special for my valentine. Cant buy you expensive gifts dude. But i sure can dedicate a few words. :-)
I tell you this at least once a day. Over the years must have told you a thousand times. Am telling you again. I love you.
You don't come even close to being Abhishek Bachchan or Pierce Brosnan, but you get full marks for being a fantastic husband and a doting father :-)
I've wanted to thank you a million times for so many things that you've done for me... for things that i take for granted every day.
Thank you for waking up next to me everyday...year after year for three years.
Going by statistics not many men would like to wake up next to the same
woman everyday.
Thank you for being oh so patient in those 'low' times which i so often bug you with. I bet no one would have tagged along with me this far with my nasty moods.
Thanks for letting me take a sabbitical from work. we lead a bloody lavish life and I know it has been very hard on you.
Thank you baby for loving me unconditionally - from 84 kgs to 59 kgs..you've always called me 'sexy'!
Thank you for being there right next to me in the OT to welcome Meeshu.
Thank you for accepting me with all my idiosyncrasies. I can be very very wierd at times, i know.
Thank you for those fights- they only make me love you more.
Thank you darling for all those beautiful moments we've shared together - those nasty bankrupt days, those dreadful fights, those beautiful mornings in G3, those lovely parties in A3, those terrible times in Asian Institute, those happy times in Goa, those harrowing days in Amsterdam, those gorgeous days in Cloud End.....we've been through much. And i want to do much much more in the years to come, only with
you,a thousand times over.