It doesn't take much to make a woman smile

Your post did something quite impossible. What, i'll let u know at the end of the post. I read and re-read your post. If there's anyone who has made me feel special in the recent months or even years for that matter, it is strangely and uncannily, You. You haven't really penned odes and poems in my honour. Neither have you written overtly great things about me. What makes me feel so good and special about your posts where I have been mentioned is something that every woman wants- i won't say craves. But yes, she sure likes being 'noticed'. Noticed in any which way. Well that's what you've done in your posts.
Yes, Sue and I update our blogs regularly. I do it because i don't have anything much to do with my brain right now. Having said that I quickly want to add that I don't know how often I'll even hit blogger on my browser after 5 March. And I second your thought, Sue sure has a unique blog. Something that could have come outta a mallu copywriter wonly:).
BTW, our mutual admiration society has made a pair of eyes attentive all of a sudden. These eyes will, am sure, visit your blog and mine to simply check out if there have been more - 'Appu mentions', and more 'i feel so special lines' dedicated to you. That's what your post has done - the impossible - made this one person jealous. I have tried countless times to make this person even remotely J. But no. All he needed was a post from you. And you don't have to take a wild guess to know who the jealous person is. And the fact that I've mentioned this in my post now, will do three things. First, it will get him mad. Two, it will tickle you and make you laugh. Three, it will bring down the 'appu mentions' in your blog significantly coz you will not really enjoy rubbing this person the wrong way. But then, wormie, just remember one thing. I still like being noticed...and have profitted greatly from your posts. Keep up the good work!

PS: Just to make you feel better- this jealous creature, you know, is was all meant in good humour.


The Worm said…
wowie! no intentions to make anyone jealous. but if it has and the effects are favourable for you, then baby would not mind a few abuses, raised eyebrows or even a frown.
as regards me noticing. you shud know -- the worm knows everything!

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