Where art thou?


Where art thou, my beloved?

I miss the ardor with which

you sank into me;

miss your contours filling me,

and the invigorating smell of your Darjeeling.

But more than anything else,

I miss the calm,

and a certain tranquil that composed you.


Where art thou, dearest?

Your books  call out to you,


Pray, why do you dust them,

when you don’t intend to hold them in your arms?

Come baby, sink into me,

pause a while.


Get off the ugly notebook,


Come into my arms,

and I’ll tell you a story.

Your virtual life is boring and bland,

let me take you to another fantasy land.


Oh where art thou?


(There were days I spent endless time on that rattan easy chair and read into oblivion. I seemed to have lost touch with so many things that really made me happy, the small little pleasures of life. Time to wake up and deeply smell my Darjeeling)


Indy said…
Looks beautiful and serene!What a spot to chill out on!!!
Anonymous said…
Beautifully put together.... And what a lovely spot to relax & read a book... I could hear it calling me as well...

True that we get so caught up in our daily lives... that we forget small pleasure...

'Get off the ugly notebook'.... ha ha ha... you've been spending too much time on your notebook??!! huummmmm
Rupz said…
wow ! what a lovely spot ! I could spend hours there.....

*sigh* Wish i had some time now
Anonymous said…
Lovely!!!!Absolutely brilliant, ... also loved the pictures... and ofcourse I am in the same boat...
I can inhale deeply of the fragrance thanks to the beauty of your words!

My books have stopped speaking to me now...they just look at me accusatorily and with pity at all the newcomers that join their ranks.
@indy: thanks. come by sometime and i might let u use it :D

@pat: thanks woman. this notebook fixation is really bad. i need to find myself a hobby.

@rupz: come , come. take off one of these days and spend the day here.:)

@IHM: hey! so glad u stopped by :). Thanks :). The guilt of ignoring books is almost as hefty as ignoring one's child, no? :)
Starry-eyed nut said…
Wow KG it's awesome and very very inviting....can i borrow :)

Love the picture and the way you have used the colours...its beautiful...

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