On someone called Migraine

Like an illicit lover, he came to pay a visit (exactly after her husband left);
this time, with a suitcase. (Perhaps a way of saying, I’ll stay for long?)
The abhorred lover, seemed familiar with my place,
and always came at odd times.

Once inside, he made grating conversation, and thrived on coffee.
So numerous were his visits, that he had
designated a favorite place, a corner (near a temple, behind the cool shades of her eye).

He also had a taste for music, The Metallica, (or that’s what she reckoned) ,
you know, those guys with drums and all.
Akin to the mighty mosquito, that was immune to repellents,
our man here seemed to show the finger, to humble Paracetamol.
She had had enough.
He had been around for three days, chewing, irking, demanding more coffee;
that’s when she offered him something else (it was not in her to be violent),
that seemed like an unexpected assault.
A stench of lavender spread,
dizzy and nauseous, and sure of being sedated on the sly, he was asked to leave.

Humiliated, he finally left and snoozed off in a Barista,
only to wake up to the aroma of Full City Roast.
Alive again, rubbing his hands with glee, he found his prey-
a woman who had in front of her, an empty box of tissue and four Espresso shot glasses,
(she almost seemed to signal with her bulging red eyes, come hither sweetheart, make me yours).
Now ain’t that head a welcome abode, he told himself, excited.
Hi honey, how about sharing a Jamaican?


Scribbler :) said…
Wonderfully written! I can relate to this sooooo much, especially since "he" visited me...and stayed with me all of last weekend :(
indranil said…
this guy seems of straight orientation as he vists the females mainly, my wife and mother-in-law included..... though presently my wife hasen't seen much of him in the last few years.... at least now we know who all he's been busy visiting in the interim... :P
Debanjana said…
Lovely....totally identified with it.
Tracer Bullet said…
very very well written ... faala migraine!!!! u shud get started with the short story collection u know... :)
@IK: NO. I posted this on Facebook and on record have a man who said he's been taken hostage several times over the last 12 years. This guy is twisted you see. pervert. I prefer calling him a male, coz sex only people of that sex can inflict such trauma :D :D :D. No offence meant, ofcourse. :)

@scribbler, debanjana: lets start another blog (am i crazy or what??) with the titel migraine diaries, where you guys and i can beat the bastard black and blue?? :D :D

@tracer: Thanks bullet Compliments from THE GREATEST detective, makes me bhery happy. . find me a publisher.
phish phish said…
Loved it babes!! and does lavender really help?!
Starry-eyed nut said…
aha, lovely!!! He visits my husband quite often :)
By the way, when you lavender you mean a lavender oil or something?
@phishphish, Starry Eyed: lavender works, only if u sleep and not think and hang around fb and cook, clean, scrub, call clients, fight with studio help, make presentations,etc. it really works :)). u get eye patches that help apparently- i havent tried them..but a whiff of lavender oil helps IMMENSELY.
Tracer Bullet said…
hehehe... ok will do...
suddenly i feel so cool - i just did a double barrel gun act with my fingers :P
Tracer Bullet said…
oh n btw, i agree tht only people of tht gender can cause so much trauma... the other gender is for drama!!! aila joke ;)
Veda said…
Fantastic writing!

first time here...love what u've done with ur page.

classy. very.
@Veda: thank you muchchas :).
annamus said…
This is the best Ive read so far from your 'top quality' blog- its astutely observed, and so well put together- I have migraine too and dread these illicit redezvous every once in a while.
Im a total sucker for the fact that 'writing is great when its able to raise, magnify, illustrate the evryday stuff around us to something more than mundane'!! way to go KG
@annamus: why, annamus, that was a fab comment! A comment with a potential to make my day, week and and entire month. :D. Thank you, girl! :)
the pleasantone said…
btw iam always the first to read your post ....i think this was your best babe!!!
Oooh! This is good! You have a way with words.
Anonymous said…
LOL :) Very original ) He almost visited me last night, but I took a disprin ;)
oh dispirin doesn't work anymore for me. I think the trick is the minute u even have a vague feeling or threat, just pop that disprin. but i always wait for a full blown one. Illicit affairs are always tempting, no? ;)

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