A 31 gun salute, dude :D

Even Mamata didi coming to power did not shock me as much. Shiney and his Hazaron Khwaishein kaisi kaisi, wasn’t hugely shocking either. Pakistan winning T20 was, anything but shocking (I think our neighbors really deserved a break from all the abysmal things happening there). BUT, when Raj dawned the event manager’s cap and actually made an effort to put together a flawless surprise party- my first ever in 31 years, I had my eyes, lungs, guts out in shocked disbelief. And it was so well thought and replete with paper cups, plates, forks, spoons, wine-shine, beer-sheer, biriyani-shiriyaani, cake-shake, gifts-shifts, that I have been in awe of this man I had so underestimated in these many years, since yesterday. Why, take a bow Jr Sadhukhan, you are quite the dude!

I apparently gave R and Ann some very anxious moments. Especially when I told them, I didn’t want to go out, but sit all day in my hideous woolen pants(something I picked up from a cheap chinese shop) . So they said they were taking me to  a ‘fine dining restaurant’, and woolen pants and jumpers would make me look like a buffoon. Am I glad or what to have changed into my ‘Happy Birthday’ clothes…coz had I insisted and remained in those pants, I’d never have forgiven R for this surprise party, one bit. No really, you got to see me in those woolen pants- they are something :D.

cakeSo, not all is lost at 31. In fact it seems all the more promising. Though R insists that I wear more elegant and graceful clothes and accessories now on…somehow he still cant cast a glance at the red shoes I bought for the big day. But methinks I have just begun, and red shoes only mark the onset of my splendid journey into the thirties (now that I am officially, fully, really, on the other side of the fence). I have more purple and oranges to buy, and am not going to give a try to graceful dressing, yet.

Yesterday after everybody left, rooms cleaned up , garbage thrown down, fb/orkut wishes replied to, emails answered to, surprise telephonic calls done with, skype conversations finished, gift wrappers torn open,  I realized the sheer number of people I am surrounded with, virtually, in thoughts, physically, and in their hearts. I don’t think I ever gave  this a thought before- I am so lucky to have oh so many loving people in my life! And when such positive, warm wishes come your way in abundance,  you really feel it. Its like mass prayers offered- they always help.

Ok , at 31 I needn’t get mawkish.

Love to all.


Oh, BTW, have you tried just typing www.butkintuparantu.com on your browser? Try it. :D


Scribbler :) said…
Am so glad that you had a splendid day! And even 'gladder' (obviously that's not a word...but I liked it in this context), that you know enough people there to call over for a surprise party! I for one, am not so fortunate :(

Hope you have as much fun this year, as you did on your B'day. Happy birthday, once again.
Anonymous said…
These surprise parties are something else altogether, isn't it! You're just goin on proving that age is just a state of mind afterall!Cheers to that!
phish phish said…
i am loving it :D :D...happy 31st baby...wait...will just catch up with you...
Tracer Bullet said…
naaaaaaaaiice.... bhery naaeece... me also v proud of jr. sadhukhan... pliss to be hugging him on my behalf and embarrassing him loads :D :D
happy birthday!! Surprise Party seems like something else altogether :-d

And your own website and all that? Way tooo COOOOOOL!
thank you girlies!
@mimi: :D :D
Unknown said…
Wow!That sounds like a great day and yes, tried the butkintuparantu.com :))
@sarika: have you started writing yet? please to be sharing blog details!
Debanjana said…
Happy Birthday...and loved your post as usual
indranil said…
great !!!!

some people have all the fun :D :D
Starry-eyed nut said…
happy budday...hope you had a great day....loved your post
@debanjana: thank yous
@Ik: nana not all the time..:D
@abhi: thanks babe...:)
Ronak Jain said…
Happy Birthday. Ppl do like surprise right !!
Discovering M said…
Happy Birthday!

Was the website a gift ?

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