No matter how dire a life someone led, no matter how illicit, no matter how outrageous, no matter how revolting his deeds, no matter how beautiful, or how ugly – when someone is no more, always pray for his soul. Always. When someone goes, remember the good things. Remember them for what they leave behind. So when MJ is no more, pray he is indeed in a better place.  Thank you MJ, for making my growing up years so memorable- I’d never have tried dancing in front of the mirror to ‘I’m Bad’, had it not been for you.

R.I.P, MJ.


And for those who are posting guile messages about MJ, isn’t it rather pointless?


Scribbler :) said…
Totally agree. Inspite of what he may be in his personal life...there is no denying that he made the laziest of us dance and dream! May he RIP.
Discovering M said…
due to his crazy ass lifestyle - In the long run I am sure he will be remembered for his life ON and OFF the stage..

I loved his music - but havent heard them in a long time - I guess the FMs will be playing a lot of it today!
Anonymous said…
Hey... on another note.. please tell me how you managed to put this clip from youtube.. I've been trying to post one.. but just doesnt work.. Please help!!
@scribbler: oh he gave us the best steps for our school dance competitions..

@Discovering M: Somehow I was pretty blindeyed to most things he did and the way he conducted himself...and now that he is gone, i have more reason not to think of it at all....what an icon...:(

@pat: i use Windows Live Writer for all my u have an issue with posting the video or the video is not working in general? Some of MJ's videos have been disabled form being embedded...
indranil said…
yes .... no matter how much one owas on the other side of established norms, when a person dies, speak well of him/ her... wish Marcus Antonius had never used the body of Caesar for that iconic speech...

"The evil that men do, lives after them..
the good is of interred with their bones"
chandrimawrites said…
Ditto ditto... I couldn't have said this better!

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