
Did you know that the Indian BPO industry hires 200 people every day? (Source- of the newsitems on this site read: BPO firms recruited 74,500 people during 2003-04, employing a total of 2,45,500 people by the end of the year – a growth of 43.5 per cent.....

(what else can the industry do but recruit.....considering the highest attriyion rates in the same industry which recruits 200 per day...)

But how much do we know of these people who are being recruited left rt centre up and down.......these are fresh graduates from hep colleges...who have fairly decent spoken english skills...(for those who dont...dont despair....we have 'colleges' that give language training and voice training...)....these grads are more than happy to get a job paying them enuff to take care of their pubbing, multiplex, and weekend outing expenses...(getting 10-15 grand for these grads is not a big deal)....having said all this i also know for a fact that these grads (who have no intentions what-so-ever of studying further- either they dont have the means/potential/inclination or they are too happy with the present situation) after a year or two of working in the BPO industry are left with little choice- 5- 10% of these grads get a promotion to a maximum of becoming an asst. manager or a manager of a particular process (why should these grads deserve higher positions when there is a top grade B-school graduate recruited from campus, in line to rightfully hog the position.....i think the B-school grads deservingly should get this ...Will explain later). What comes after that is a night mare for the top level managers who are bombarded with demands for bonuses and promotions- but the manager for a fact knows that these champs - no matter how many years he has spent in the organisation cannot possibly grow beyond a point- simply because he doesn't have the capicity. For those who display a greater levelof intelligence are immediately soaked up by the company and are sent for higher studies/tranings.

what happens next to these grads who joined as associates, are, recurring bouts of frustration, fights with the managers for not giving them their 'deserved' raise, ego tussles, bad moods....and finally the managers' worst nightmare- the Resignation Letter!!

My concern is- India will soon, in a couple of years see a pool of such grads who will be in a stituation when they are not young enough to think of studying further or they will continue living the average-mediocre life.

Being mediocre is horrible- like Ayn Rand would put it - mediocrity kills you. It is unacceptable.

I really dont know what this BOP industry will do to the millions of grads who don't seem to understand what they are plunging into.


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