final exams, literature and you, bonne amie

Thinking of you and times together....
...pouring over history and political since before the darned final exams
......remember taking breaks at 5.30 pm...only to catch ...'baby when you're gone' and 'do you believe in love...' on mtv??
crazy days....
how we laughed.....out of sheer tension...
.....and our boyfriends only made our lives more humourous...what nuts!!

And our hunger pangs got the better of us and her occassional snacks...

And literature was just beyond me...paradise lost or regained...i couldn't be bothered...all i knew was i had to get through the darned papers...i really hated Christina Andrews paper da...maya was a million times better...supriya gave me the nitemares...Uma was the best!! Dont forget the blasted old english language or whatever shit Patricia Samson taught....(i recently caught a glimpseof her in lifestyle...she is as sloppy as ever...poo thing..she was actually sweet...if only she had a more expressive face da!!).....woman, i passed only coz of you!!!

And guess what??? i still haven't picked up my degree from OU!!!! thanks to that rediculous fight we had...

...missing you jaya...missing you truely today and our times together....

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