You know how you feel when you’ve just met or done a thing you’ve been looking for, all your life? Its an Unknown, yet a familiar kind of excitement. Like the ‘soul mate’ funda. Now, apply the same thing to what you you’ve been looking at wanting to do all your life.

You might be able to catch my pulse and get a sense of what I’m hinting at, if you are a regular here. You  know how confused or unfocussed I was with my ‘life plans’. Sometimes I was wistful about my short-lived ‘corporate’ career, and then there were days when all I wanted to do was cook, clean and be a stay at home mom. Well, the book was never really a ‘career’ option.

All these days i was juggling with multiple ideas, talents and desires. All I wanted to do was taper my focus areas to one main activity, that I could devote my time to. Something that  excited me, immensely. And like you might have already guessed, it turned out that there were several ‘immensely exciting’ things I could and wanted to do. So I started giving everything time. Photography, cooking, writing, firming up plans for my ‘silver’ venture. I was doing them all with a lot of panache. And the more energy I put into these activities the clearer everything got.

I went for my first class on ‘Silversmithing today at Sydney Art School. I learnt to make my own silver ring, out of a strip of silver. It took me 4 hours to make it. But this post is not about the how’s and what’s. All that you’ll find on my silver blog. What I want to share here, is the feeling . It felt so familiar- holding the metal, filing it, polishing it. As if I was meant to do it. As if the metal I so adore, was destined to be in my hands.  (I swear, for the very first time on this blog, I am not exaggerating :-)).

The feeling was akin to meeting Raj :D. A this is it feeling, or like I hurriedly updated my status message from the bus, I’ve found my calling.

Happy. Happy. So happy!

For those who I know won’t go to my silver blog, here is what I made :



Debanjana said…
I am so happy for you. It's a rare feeling, and you have definitely been lucky to have found your true calling...atta girl!!!
Devi said…
Loved the finish of the ring!!
Anonymous said…
Am so happy for you!!! and, here is my bit of appreciation, and i'll be very happy if you accept it here
Paroma Sen said…
"It was like meeting Raj". Really. Hmmm. Need to hear more about this. Didn't quite think your story worked that way.
manikarn said…
Listen, am serious. Question is: are you serious? Are you planning to do some serious smithing and open a merch store in your blog? Think about it!
~G said…
absolutely love the finish. So more of your creations coming up?
Discovering M said…
KG Smith !

Good you posted a picture - or else I would have had to visit your other blog

Great Stuff..
Casuarina said…
Am so happy for you !!!

Love love love the ring...and anything in silver ! :-)

Now if only I could find where my calling might be interiors, y'know, I am as mad as a hatter about them !
Anonymous said…
Brilliant! Looking forward to more creations! :)
manikarn said…
Oh and you could call your brand "Silver Tomato" just to freak people out a bit..
indranil said…
Wonder full !! not the ring i meant, but that you found some thing where you could focus all your time efforts and resources and end up being satisfied. its important to end up with one rather than flirting around with all...( look who's speaking).. silver for you,globe trotting for me, but what ever be the path the end result is bliss.

so at last we are speared the trouble reading your book, as it has gone even far behind the back-burner.

and regarding the ring:: it looks crisp and simple... keep it going....
@Debanjana : thanks so much! But don;t suddenly disappear when I start selling :D

@devi: me too! me too! :D i looks like a nice wedding band.

@paper mache girl: ok now stop looking deeper. It can be explained only when we meet. Hugs :)

@amrita: :) thanks! Is puraskaar ke liye hum aapke aabhaari hain.

@G @Manikarn: yep, more will come up in time. Manikarn, dead serious. Keep your credit card ready.

@DM: see i saved you of the torture. On second thoughts i regret it. should have put you men through the torture :D . I like KGsmith :))

SOSOSTRIS: shucks. you got me there with your name change :D Interiors is fun. Did i tell you i tried that too? Went for a diploma in my early twenties in Jenson and Nicholson institute. it was a 1 year course. I completed 10.5 months of very difficult classes in literally architecture and then whimsically dropped out. Man, that deserves a post!

@PB: Bondi...remember?

@manikarn: Silver tomato! Not all my customers are like you babe, waiting to be freaked :D

@IK: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. na na na re na re- you won't be so easily spared of reading that book. It will see the light of the day. Oh yes it will :)
Scribbler :) said…
what bliss! your excitement is so contagious! I don't want to do my job anymore! But am not even good at anything! Shit, shit shit!

Am so happy for you, though. Keep up the great work!
~G said…
How's the workshop going? Any more creations? Or wait, should I be looking at your other bog for updates?

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