Happy 33rd, hero.

To the only bearable-bong man I know-

I see there is no point in being general and vague. No point in wishing you ‘a very Happy Birthday and hope you have a great year ahead’ type of ambiguous wish. For what ‘great’ really means, only the person wishing knows.

Since, I have the legal right to be and sound like your better half, I have half a dozen clear-cut wishes for you. Wishes that, I have realised in 6 (soon to be 7) years of marriage, bring utmost joy to your being.

1. Here’s wishing you get to eat cart loads of Kosha Mangsho and Luchi .

2. Here’s hoping the emails on your Blackberry never cease to decline in numbers. I know the joy your heart feels each time it goes buzz with a new email alert.

3. Here’s hoping Sydney remains extremely cold over weekends, just so you don’t have to head to the bath.

4.Here’s hoping that there is soon a dedicated channel that shows repeats of House MD, all day long.

5. Here’s hoping your injured shoulder heals soon. Just so you can then say- it has healed after so long, I don’t think I should risk injuring it again by going for tennis/exercising.

6. Here’s hoping you win that one million lotto you’ve been thinking of for so long now. ( But am really hoping you stick to the plan of letting me have 1/2 the share.)

And besides these, here’s hoping you, my dearest, that there are endless evenings, great movies, beautiful holidays, 24X7 mish-mash entertainment, more wine, more family time, more everything and  kickass health.

For you, my hero, deserve the best and nothing less.

Happy Birthday.


indranil said…

BTW does the wish list increase by 1 with every passing year of your marriage?
phish phish said…
:D :D aaj menu te ki tahale? luchi mangsho?

loads of laabh to you three...god bless!
Anonymous said…
Oh.. Happy Birthday... and what were the celebrations like??

These are far too many gorgeous wishes...

(At most times.. I wish the blackberry would stop working from 4pm to 10pm)
@Ik: hahahah...lets see. but that was quite an observation :D

phishphish: luchi yes, but no mangsho- only murgir mangsho and alur dom. one needs to go real far to fetch mangsho...
@patty: the celebrations were fun. (Read we ate ate and then ate some more.) He got a Kindle for a gift and then mourned over not buying an Ipad instead. whatever. doesn't make one diff to me anyway. its yet another machine, gadget, dead thing. bah. men.
Scribbler :) said…
wish someone would write a birthday post like this for me :(
Casuarina said…
You even married a Gemini ?!!!!!!!!

Well, I'm doubly interested in your life now ! :-)

Belated happy b'day to KG's only-bearable-bong hero. How abt wishing me too ? Mine was a day before...on the 9th of June ! :-)
Rinzu said…



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