KG’s one liners for today

  • Motherhood is all about falling in and out of love.
  • Parenthood is a college your never graduate from.
  • The grass is greener syndrome is the root cause of all misery.
  • Happiness lies in your Ipod.
  • The mirror in your bathroom is the best priest, and your loo the safest confession box.
  • Your kids will never learn from you.
  • Sex is the most overrated activity
  • Love is the most underrated emotion
  • A cup of yogurt a day helps maintain Old Mac Donald a healthy bacteria farm.
  • The sooner you accept the fact that your kid likes Tom more than Jerry, the better it is for you.
  • It is a comforting thought that Calvin is a child.
  • After a point, all lose hair. So while you have it, let them down.
  • Whoever told chocolate is an aphrodisiac was lying
  • Buying lettuce is a depressing thought.
  • I’ll never figure Americans.
  • Gift your husband a TV, it guarantees you a good night’s sleep.
  • You have a reason to visit your lawyer, if your husband snores.
  • Making ‘enough’ money to last you your lifetime is a nice sounding myth.


the pleasantone said…
yo man! looooooooooved it! scary thought to share! yesterday i almost wrote something similar but was too your witty and sarcastic brain!!!!
indranil said…
some of them were brilliant some really whacky,couple of them bland and of course a few debatable. now dont ask me to classify them on a micro level.
@kaku: i wont. I know i will not stand a chance debating u. :)
Tracer Bullet said…
hehehe :)
u know what according to Cyrus Broacha is his Ultimate aphrodisiac: His wife leaving for Hyderabad.... hahaha :D
btw, read this:
@tracer: 'apna raaju hai na'..hahahahah can't get over it.

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