Of dreary stories and a bit of Love, on the big V Day.

There are a few stories we like telling, over and over, several times, despite knowing fully well, the person whom the story is being narrated to has been an audience before, more than just once. But we like these pet stories. And these are just about one or 2 stories which we adore so much. This especially comes from old nostalgic uncles and aunties, who switch to a flashback black and white mode, eachtime they see a gathering in front of them. One goes about my dad, which he has told us at least 30 times. He does it each time we are together and after a couple of scotch pegs. The story is about his college days.

And then there is a story which we love telling. About us. Raj and me. We love telling this story to our friends, much to their dismay, and to our delight. we can’t be happier on having a new friend over for dinner. On most such occasions, we end up telling our pet story, for sure, before the guest leaves. And we really never bother to check, if we’ve bored him/her. This is after all a story of how Raj met KG. And a story so important cannot be rated as good/bad/ugly. Its is simply, a nice, happy, plain love story. Boy pings girl, girl pings back. Yahoo! was the place to be, then. A few smilies exchanged. Slowly a few ‘coochiepoochie’ words too. Then more pings, regularly at 7 pm after college. STD calls too, follow suit. More money is requisitioned from Hyderabad. More calls. More vada-paus for lunch to save 10 bucks for an hour of internet at 7pm. Then some train journeys undertaken- some in unreserved compartments. Then the big words told, accepted, eaten, chewed and digested. But we love the part when the listener asks- so where did you first meet/where do your parents live? Either of this question, makes us both very happy. We have this gleam in our eyes to tell the answer. As if, we’ve been waiting for the question. And if the question is not asked, we tell the clearly not so amused listener- our very amusing (according to us), anyway. With a twinkle in our eye, with a quick glace at each other, we announce the fact that we both lived in the same building. His family on the first floor, mine on the fourth. Incidentally, they still do. Once we’ve done saying this, we wait for the surprise, the exclamations, the bowled over look – now these are expressions we think we see on their faces. For all you know and care, they find this very mundane.

But then, that’s ALL that is there to our story. Two little crows fall in love, both from the same tree, different nests.

But we love this story. And we expand the story manifold, with twists and turns, like a murder mystery. And it always delights us. Now that you’ve read this the zillionth time, be prepared to hear it again, from our own mouths, whenever meet again, over beer and nachos.

Because each time I say it, it makes me fall in love with this totally tactless, charming, mad, clumsy, loving man over and over again.

Happy Valentine’s.


phish phish said…
hahahaha...so very well put and so astute! I guess thats why singles hate spending time with couples. And when 2 sets of couples meet, it gets down to who can repeat the story first!
hahahaha. So true! Its like waiting for the couple's story to end, only to begin with your own....and i dont think u pay much attention to what the other couple says anyway :). lol. I know these stories will be told this way for a few years more to come only....after that i think raj will get down to narrate bachelor stories from college like my dad does. :) So might as well enjoy as long as it lasts.
phish phish said…
joy has never moved on from his college/band days...same drunken stories! i keep repeating my 'how we met' and 'what happened next' and 'then what happened' stories :) Have also had people very politely tell us 'hain aage bolechhish :D :D embarrassing!!
Fighter Jet said…
ha ha ha..very good hai jee...very nice!
Tracer Bullet said…
hahaha ... true we all have our pet stories... it's a different thing mine are about fire extinguishers, broken ankles, getting thrown out of class and all that!!!

hey btw me pheeeling fulltoo romantic... multiple phaalling dils ka jaadu i guess... :D :D
Subarna said…
Happy Valentines !!!

Your story is always a charm ....
indranil said…
so if we are meeting over a beer and nachos, the story comes as a statutory add-on... shall remmember the alert.. !!!!
Gargi said…
simply...awesome :) so true! they say repeating stories is the first sign of old age...heh...heh :)
Vineeta said…
I've been grinning from para 1 to last line :) This an extremely insightful piece or writing & the woman in all of us, just LOVES th last line. It is beautiful really :)
thanks for stopping by, Vineeta. I recently chanced upon Artlight, and must say, I love it to bits! I spent a good 2 hours the other day sighing most of the time, as I read your posts! Looking forward to more artful insights :).
Anonymous said…
Oh! loved this one! so sweet it is.. and I dont mind hearing (or reading) about it again.. Wow! So when u guys were pinging back n forth u never knew that u were from same building!

And I loved that part - new friends to tell the story again.. oh I do that to.. somehow bring up the topic so that I can talk about it.. it feels so great n nice!
@aynzoya: na na we knew eachotheer. Just that he never expressed his evil intentions when we were at Hyderabad. Once he left for Delhi n me for Pune he pinged one fine evening :) . All the while I was oblivious of his 'prem' :). I wish I could hv u over for cha then would tell this in
More detail :)). Btw I hv a strange connection with gults too.. U married one rt ? Lived in Hyd almost all my life :)
Ayn Zoya said…
@kc How I wish I could have joined u for cha.. i'm a big sucker of love stories! :) Write more on that.. and u can be assured of one ardent follower :)

Yes, my husband is from hyd.. it is one fine place.. somehow the old architectures and the newer posh building are in complete harmony.. have fond memories @ lakdi ka pool, hussain-sagar, golkonda, charminar.. :)

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