Aparna Is -----------------------(what are you doing now?)
Raj: why do you want the world to know you have made Doi maaach?
The Ketchup girl: I don’t want the world to know, I want MY world to know.
I have often wondered what keeps me hooked to the internet. What makes me change my status message on FB every few hours, follow people on Twitter, and update my inner circle with what I am up to? I think the answer is very simple. I have a need to connect like all social, normal people do. A need to communicate. A need to talk, socialize, and inform. I don’t have Poo a call away. I can’t tell her that I made Thai curry for dinner and want her over. I can’t call ma every 15 minutes to inform her of Meeshu’s latest antics. I used to do that back home. And I miss my gossip sessions with my office colleagues. I can’t see Anu in front of me. Family is far far away, and Jacob is just an intangible blog. What do I do? What does one do when one lands up in a strange new country? A country, where neighbors who don’t keep their doors open like we do back home, exchanging a friendly hello, as they pass by the door, peeping in, not too conspicuously, but peep in nevertheless. They don’t send their kids to their neighbor's house to play, and don’t exchange notes on what’s cooking for dinner. I don’t even know what my neighbor looks like. I wonder if they have kids?
So when I feel low, I need to tell someone, and just the same, when I feel like a million bucks. I want you guys in my life, lest you forget me. I want my inner circle to love me, know me, and be part of all that’s happening in my life. I want to continue sharing my life like I did, back home. And that’s exactly what I do every now and then, informing you through my status messages.
The same goes with blogging. why do I blog? I do coz I have an inherent desire for the world to read what I feel, and hear their points of view.
So, whether you like it or not, you’ll see more photo uploads, more status updates, more rants.