Sodex - oho!

  I have a request for all those people who get those big fat bundles of Ticket Restaurant and Sodexo coupons. Please shop using them in non peak shopping hours. Do you have any clue how long it takes for those cashiers to count those darned things? And do you have any idea how long the queue behind you gradually gets? Common courtesy folks. It is very very annoying. No, I am not a registered member of the Grapes are Sour club - i used to get those bundles too, and I loved getting them. And I have had my time annoying the hell outta quite a few fellow citizens. But now its different. I am on the other side and I know exactly how it feels. You know, there might just be people behind you who probably have to run back to their kids, there might be senior citizens, or there might just be fat hogs like me who just can't bear their weight on their feet. For whoever and whatever sakes - please understand , it is very very irking, And if you must use them (coz I remember I saved them till i went broke), at least bear a apologetic face?


(What do you expect me to write when your flight is delayed and you are at the the airport way before time thinking the airport is reaaaaaaaly far. And then, internet is free. So please bear with me folks.)


So please bear with me folks.)

fir bhi theek thaak likha , sahi likha .



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