Meeshu's Hobbes

I am beginning to worry about Meeshu. Increasingly, she seems to be getting more and more attached to spotty (her stuffed dog). She talks to him, feeds him, brushes his teeth, beats him, scolds him, kisses him and drags him around the entire house, all day long.

They sure remind me of Calvin and Hobbes. How delightful, yet something about it is awfully heartbreaking. When she began doing that, it seemed the cutest and funniest thing she had ever done , but last evening it struck a chord in me....and a pretty nasty one at that. Was something wrong? For one, I don't ever want Meeshu to feel lonely, ever. I don't ever want her to feel a lack of anything. Does her new found intimacy with Spotty mean she is lonely and has no one to talk to??? And the most important question, which i don't want to pose, let alone answer it-- Does she need a sibling?????

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo way!!

I think the solution is simple. I need to spend more time in potty training my brat, and then send her straight to school. She needs to see more children and socialize :-). yes, thats the answer. (Or am I over reacting as usual to situations that are pretty normal, but seem all weighty and serious to me)



the pleasantone said…
hi doll!
just to let you know !!!!its normal and not!!! and josh freaked me out in simmilar ways till he started to ask me to buy him a baby!!!!!!!! so let me say been there done the ball is in your court! ha ha ha !!!!
yes....i think she needs a sibling :-d! caught you!!!! :-p

I have been hearing this almost everyday...from people i know and dont know...ishaan is almost three....and it is high time...blah blah...blooh blooh.
much as i love the thought (cant imagine life without Simi)...with work and sooo many other things to take care of, it looks incresingly impossible.
ishaan scares me too...he goes sooo quiet at times, as if in a trance. one call and then he is smiling at you again...his teacher told me about this definitely worried. but i think this is their way of finding their "My Time". We tend to not leave them alone even for a few seconds...they need their space i think, and each one finds a different way.
But start planning for the second one...NOW :-d
Snip from "My Baby This Week -- Your 34 month old"...

Ever catch your child talking to an imaginary friend? Don't worry; these invisible playmates are a cause for celebration, not concern. Pretend friends can be a healthy
part of your child's developing conscience and value system. They keep her company, provide solace, and even share the blame for the things your child wishes she hadn't done. By the age of six, most kids lose interest in them. Until then, let your child enjoy the companionship and commit these moments to memory. They'll make for nice reminiscences when your little one is all grown up.
Unknown said…
Hi Appu!!
Well, like others have said, all kids go through this phase. Meeshu is playing with a soft toy you say, but Maegan had an imaginary friend whom only she could see and hear. It took me a while to come to terms and respect her growing phase. She did grow out of that, met friends at day care, etc. However when she turned 3 she did start asking for another little person to play with at home... And that's how we decided on the second one!! Now, with less than 6 weeks remaining for my due date, I can safely say she is happiest person in the world. Her dreams and her thoughts, listening to them just makes my heart melt... So second one ain't a bad idea!!

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