Men and gifts

Mother’s day in these countries are so big and blown out of proportion, that I am sure most men feel pressured to do  (read: buy) something for their wives (mothers). I didn't want my man to be coerced into doing something or give into conformity behavior, just because the world was doing it, or every window in the shopping mall asked him to do it on Mishmash’s behalf. Besides, I always feel, such things can be expressed best subtly and simply by just letting the mother feel special the entire day- a cup of tea, surprise breakfast…you know little things like that.

So I decided to take it head on a few back-

Me:  Listen, don’t spend money this Mother’s Day, pl.

Him: Ok. Won’t you sulk?

Me: (Ignoring the latter comment, I go on.) My biggest treat will be u and Mishmash making me a meal…and keeping the home clean..just that one day.

Him: cook? clean also?

Me: Something basic ya. The idea is for me to keep off the kitchen. And cleaning …not much. Jut keep the cushions in place….the kitchen bench top clean..Mishmash’s toys in place, beds made….u know small stuff like that. Not vacuuming and all…

Him: *looks in disbelief*

Me: What?

Him: with pleading eyes he begs-  Pleaseeeeeee…let me buy you something instead?



Vinita Apte said…
OMG men are so scared of housework...poor U. hehe cute
indranil said…
R should have taken you and Mishu for a whole day outing... the kitchen would have remained spotless and the cushions would not have gone on a wild merry-go-round spin.

Elementary Raj !!!!
Anonymous said…
He he he he, good one!!! Shd have read your post before Mothers day. I just let it go!!!
Scribbler :) said…
Did he buy you something finally? Cleaning the kitchen top, wearing that sparkle from Tiffany's wouldn't be too bad :)
Samadrita said…
ROFL... you scared your husband to death.
Typical men..always afraid of housework :P
So what gift did you get in the end?
Rupz said…
LOL ! That's so typical ..hehe.
~G said…
:D Lol. So did the gift make up for all the cleaning, cooking etc??
Primitive Lyric said…
I wouldn't have minded a present (also) thrown in!:)))
Anyway I had the best day. I hope you had fun too.
@LP: :D they are all the same.

@IK: i had the best of both worlds- got my gift and got him to take us out too :D :D But i passed on your thoughts to him nevertheless. :D

writerzblock : ohhho. dont let such days go by unnoticed!! next time will let u know in advance? :)

Scribbler: yes he did. :) Pandora charms :)Tiffany ta barabari hoye jeto...i'd probably have disowned him. There's something about expensive gifts that makes me uneasy. even the charms did..:D

Sam: he chooses to be scared :X . A glimpse of the gift is on my silver blog- . go see if you have any enthu at all :)

G: yes yes :D . it did :). U know us...girls always melt. :)

Primitive Lyric: time will give him all your addresses :D hahahaha.
Sharon said…
lol! that sounds like my man!
Laxmi Gopa said…
Hey..u are being plagarised. Saw someone post the same thing on Orkut as something that happened to her...:)

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