How do you think?

Why can’t we just think in isolation, without the 'so-called ‘help’ of catalysts? My man, he cannot apparently think without smoking. Some friends of mine can’t come up with ideas unless they wash down their throats with mugs of coffee. Some need alcohol, some food and I need gallons of water in the shower. I ‘think’ in the shower. These days, I’ve been trying more eco-friendly methods like making bigger pots of cha. That seems to work ok.

What do you do to think? And I am not talking about taking a walk, jogging etc. Those I think are- clearing the mind- activities. I am here, asking you, what is your thought catalyst?


Anonymous said…
Gosh.. I dont know... thats got me thinking.. Actually I think I've given up on thinking..

I normally have truck loads of thoughts & bright ideas when I am driving on the high way... the faster the better... :-)
Vinita Apte said…
hmm Like you I too think in the shower...I feel so much alive and being in tune with myself..away from distractions.
Anonymous said…
Unfortunately my mind is always it about work or psych or just plain generally, it's when I'm not doing anything that my mind thinks.
Primitive Lyric said…
Our balcony faces the lake. Beautiful view. I stare ahead and think at times. It clears my head.
Shachi said…
Shower, yoga, meditation, sitting at the beach, long drives :) - workouts are to clear my head!
And no one, NO ONE here thinks sitting on your mighty throne?? :D
Anonymous said…
My lost sis...I've been making checklists in the shower for years..:D

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