when you are sorry

Everyone does stuff to hurt people knowingly or unknowingly at some point in their lives. But when someone is hurt, little does it matter if it was done knowingly or otherwise. There are two parties to this. The one who hurts and the one who is hurt. And both suffer at the end of it. Trust me on that one. I have been on both sides and I know being on the side that hurts the other, suffers more. Sometimes it remains the biggest regret. More so when its done  unknowingly. Its so dire that you can’t even undo it. It kills you. The word ‘sorry’ seems hollow, futile, insincere. And nothing can appease you. You just have to live with it.

Like one of those heart-breaking childhood memories that still remains with you, haunts you. You have no escape.

Live, regret, repent. Like a curse, I’m reminded, may you never make peace with yourself.


manikarn said…
hey, came across your blog through scribbler.. really liked the post :)
~G said…
Is it any solace if I say, you are doing good if you realise you are sorry. You learn and improve that way. Many don't even acknowledge that you know. They don't even go with the guilty conscience.
Paroma Sen said…
Hey there KG,

My 2 cents, had to add - for me personally it does matter whether the person did it knowingly or unknowingly. And contrary to popular notion, I actually think it's much worse if it was done unknowingly - because that clearly shows how little they care, or even how little they know you.

I'd much rather be hurt knowingly - because that often shows the other person is hurt too.

Lotsa love,
Manikarn: welcome here. :). Though not entire sure, why you 'really liked this post'.

DM: :) :(

G: no girl, there is no solace in thinking so. But thanks. :)

Paper Mache Girl: yes. I know what you are talking about. I didn't care enough. That's exactly what this is about.....or maybe not. I'll never know. sometimes its just an unfortunate turn of events that makes you do something so stupid, that you reel from your misdeeds all your life. For one stupid mistake.

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