Love matters

I got to work very early today. The roads were flooded- with boys and girls- eighteen to twenty-ish, with roses in hand and gifts. The flower vendors never stock such fresh flowers for any festival. It was a spectacle. Guys on their bikes, babes behind them, clinging on to them.

Makes me wonder, where is my valentine? Blissfully unaware, in Hyderabad. I remember when we dated a few years ago, he had come down to Pune, on this day.  Gifted me - Dabur Amla kesh tel. Said- darling, can u grow your hair? Till date he hasn't had the 'sowbagya' of running his fingers through my LONG tresses. That was the only time we celebrated this day. Today, feels like yet another Thursday.

This morning felt happy. For those young souls. Makes me feel so old. So unromantic. And I ain' party to those who believe that every day can be romantic- why need one day? I think its ok to celebrate love lavishly sometimes...and a day dedicated to it is alright by all means....... Love gets very monotonous otherwise, you know.


the pleasantone said…
hello mam! iam totally into celebrating special occasions i was just saying that to get the romance going dont have to wait for these occasions.....
loved the dhabur kesh thel bit...never thought of a giftlike that maybe should give deep some oil since he has started to bald he he!

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