Blessings Unlimited!

Gaw Besss u mumma. I lubb u mumma.
Aaaachooooo! Aaaaachuu!
Gaw Besss u mumma. I lubb u mumma.Gaw Besss u mumma. I lubb u mumma.
(this continued through the day. The count stood at 37 Gaw Besss u mumma's and I lubb u mumma's )

Then, a while back. At 12.39 am. while we were all asleep. All the 3 of us.
Gaw Besss u mumma. I lubb u mumma.!!!

Awww baby! It's ok. Mumma's ok. Go to sleep.

But I lubb u Ma.

(where do these sugar balls come from? If I didn't hv a throat infection I'd eat her up. My baby. Myyy Mishmash)


Satrupa said…
Thatz such a cute lil writeup ..... hope you get well soon :)
GB said…
awwww. aren't they the cutest, most precious beings to ever touch our lives? gawd bwess them all.

PS: get well soon!
Scribbler :) said…
can you give her two wet kisses on my behalf?

god bless her :)
Starry-eyed nut said…
awww she sounds edible, i hope mine turns out like her toooo
sulagna said…
ohh re mishi shona :)
Mani Lalwani said…
aww she is so adorable :)
loved the write up
p.s. - get well soon
Unknown said…
Aww..she is so sweet. Those "gaw bless u muma and I lub u mumma's" will definitely help you recover. Hope you get well soon.
Samadrita said…
This was such an aww post. Get well soon. :)
Primitive Lyric said…
awww..she is adorable:)
~G said…
I dont know if it's okay to post this here, but no recent updates on Silveratti? Why so? :(
Me want sugar balls! Gimme her; will gobble up with chocolate chip cookies and apple-cinnamon tea!
ritika said…
awwww, omigod... this makes me so broody. hugs to mishmash said…
hii .. Nice Post ..

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Anonymous said…
I don't know how I landed on your blog, but I'm glad I did. Loving your posts. Blogrolling you. Will be back to read more. :)

This post is especially very sweet. Your daughter sounds so adorable. :)

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