
Gimme 3 ideas for a blog post. Please. Preferably happy ones. Coz my mind has been in a spate of bad mood.


Tagging, Jayeetam, Tracer, the Pleasant one, The Clown, Scribbler, Phish-phish, Discovering M. Tagging the regular ones. :D. Rest passing by, if your fingers itch, go on and type three good ones. They can be topics or just words. I’ll try and make sense of it my way.  I’ll try and pick three topics of all the posted ones and do some writing. Am hoping, that will inspire me to write something, after this lull.

Oh dreary life. I hate you. Bring some sunshine into my grey existence. And make Paracetamol effective for migraine sufferers.


Yours truly



indranil said…
what about the idiosyncracies of he bong-turned aussies around you. i'm sure probashi bongs always generate a lot of content :D :D
Tracer Bullet said…
ur asking me for ideas??? it's been a month since i posted something...!!! @!#$%^&*(
tracer: gimme a word? anything random? who is askng u to think!
Subha said…
uumh,ok there u go write on sonme thing called as jobless vaccume
Tracer Bullet said…
ok my word list is:


make a story out of these three words....

i actually wanted to write a lot of galis, cause that's all i can think of right now... anyways enjoy maadi... :)
Scribbler :) said…
You have got many suggestions already, I can see. My two cents worth:
What's your view of an ideal life after retirement?

And why do I suggest this? Cause I have had a lot of work lately...wish I could retire.
the pleasantone said…
Babe as one of your friends wrote i havent written anything for ages...simply coz i aint got no ideas.....
but for you i kinda squeezed the brain so here goes
1.mother's day coming cud write as a mother or for your mother or related stuff.
2.your ideal holiday
3.The best cocktail!
yes i know iam braindead!!!
bon chance!
@subha: i don't know who you are, but have caught you in an act that is most disgusting. I don't like plagiarists commenting on my blog. So don't bother coming back.
Discovering M said…
marriage websites like "" .. whats your take on that ?

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