The one year jinx

I really don't want this to be my last day at MS. I'm still in denial. This can't be. Wasn't all going well? Didn't I love working here, for the first ever time in my life? Didn't i have the best boss in the world? Wasn't I being paid enough and more to indulge in the everyday excesses of  my outrageous life? I think it was picture perfect. Its something else you know. The problem seems to be with the planetary positions in my life..when I hit one year at any workplace they start conspiring against me.

And its not like I am not looking forward to Sydney. It might just be the answer to all my questions for all I know. But I just cannot seem to figure out this one year jinx. This time around I am so not ready to leave. I want to continue sitting in that chair and drink the same coffee and yap the same shit during lunch. And I want my timely Mumbai visits away from my daily domestic rut, to be just by myself, by the sea.

But really  good things come to an end real fast. It seemed too good to be true for this long. And this post goes out to thank God for really letting me have a ball. This was one kickass time you gave me, thank you! And as far as MS goes - evil or not, its the world's best company to work for. And I am so in love with Live writer :D!!

warning u guys that the Ketchu girl  goes undercover for a bit. Till she loads Vista on her personal laptop (since this dear Toshiba tablet will be taken away :( .....) and gets back to butkintuparantu again.


Chaioholic said…
MS sure is good. Where u headin to? Read ur latest post as well. Cant say more than the fact that u r a good frnd. god bless u and ur frnd....

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