My escape routes
Situation 1:
Bad fight with husband
Escape route: Attack the fridge.
Situation 2:
Depressed about something so vague that even I fail to understand the reason for such a depressing depression.
Escape Route: Calls Chungs and order for chilly chicken, fried rice, soup
Situation 3:
Irked with my work
Escape Route: Hit the food court and queue up in Beijing Bites, and order the spiciest ever food on the menu and top it with Bavarian Chocolate ice cream at Baskin Robbins
Situation 4:
Badly PMSing
Escape Route: Stop by at 80 ft road at the Puchka Wala (paani puri, duffer), have a plate of Puchkaas with only theeka paani, and parcel two plates home.
Situation 5
Generally cheesed off with husband (this is different from a very bad fight)
Escape Route: Go shopping at Spencers, buy all exotic ingredients and kill myself cooking the most tedious dishes, then sit and lap up the last bit left .
Situation 6
Pissed with the world (Like Calvin)
Escape Route: Hit one of the Indiranagar restaurants.
Situation 7
Pissed with the fact that we never have enough money
Escape Route: Go to a cheap joint and have food court type food. Come back sick, have a zintac and a gelusil. Go to sleep swearing never to go there ever.
Situation 8
Low because there is nothing there to do on a weekday, apart from doing the routine waiting
Escape Route: Buy food Lover's guide, one of the best ever magazine. Go home, make myself a cuppa green tea, put up my feet and stare at all the culinary extravaganza. And of course, make mental notes of which place to visit next.
Situation 9
Terribly terribly low coz i cannot fit into my fav jeans anymore.
Escape route: Head straight to gelatissmo and have their peach Cheesecake, while telling myself all the time- its fat free baby.
Situation 10
Exasperated with the bleddddy auto fellas for charging double the amount as fare
Escape Route: get off in front of my apartment, enter 9 to 9 supermarket which is rt in front of my place, buy 2 packets of oily chips- one salted, one RED one (u know what i mean no?), a packet of pasta, a bottle of mayo, cheese spread, 1 kg chicken, coke, get home. Make myself a bacardi, cook the chicken with extra chilly powder (while nibbling on the chips- sorry- dipped in cheese spread+Mayo), make extra rice. EAT.
Situation 11
Up almost all night doing the bleddy waiting
Escape route: call up the culprit, swear, cry, yell. Calm down. Ask him to parcel a jawa Chicken wrap on his way back.
So much for carrying boiled veggies for lunch every day.
i must admit that for most women food is the quick fix for all woes......
hillarious....that's exactly what I do!!!